Tuesday, September 4, 2007


rat-at-to-ee....haha!!...such a nice movie...went to watch wif ma family at suntec..verry crowded but...verry nice lor..finally...sumthin different 4rm dae usual kiddy movies...i lyked the storyline...verry funny too...it's about a mouse whu lykes to cook....he reads bout chef gusteau's..whu is the most famous chef in the whole of paris but sadly, dies after the famous food critic tries his food n says tat its not nice...he wuz soo heartbroken as it wuz his passion...well..the rat used 2 live in an old granmother's house n always watched his cooking shows...he wuz so inspired n decided tat he muz cook...ten...he got seperated 4rm his rat family n ended up in paris...wer he found chef gusteau's restaurant...ten wen he went ter...ter wuz a boy...whu appearently wuz a garbage boy. wen he accidentally pushed the soup...it fell..n he didn't noe how 2 make the soup so he juz added sum ingredients n the rat saw it..he wuz soo angry n went in 2 dae restaurant..ten he added sum ingredients...ten the soup wuz nice lor..ten the boy took him as he knew how 2 make the soup..n 2 geder tey both started on their adventure..im not gonna tell anithin more coz it's 4 me 2 noe n 4 u 2 find out...hahs!!! i really recommend the movie...muz watch 1...n 4 whuever whu has watched it...juz noe tat it duzn't matter how small or big u r..as long as ur determined n believe tat euu can..U CAN DO IT!!! verry inspiring huh?

Sunday, September 2, 2007

so unfortunate....

aargh!!!!! y duz this only haf 2 happen at this time!!!!! so angry n frustrated!!! i sprained my stupid leg n now cant go 2 primary skool, malacca n shopping n sentosa...i had so many plans 4 the hols n now tey r all washed....down the drain...wa loa!...GOD!!! y r u so unfair!!! sobiexx!never let me enjoy my hols at all sia....but good tat tey r healing fairly quickly if not i would be struggling now lorhhs...hahs! well...now less pain, but bone muz be fixed...tat will take a few more days larhh...ritez...so damn bored...it's lyke ters nuthin 2 do at all!!!! everyday stay at home n rest n rest n rest!!!!!! omg!!! i cant take sooo mus=ch of torture!!!...pls heal quickly sia...lucky i dont haf 2 go 4 2 wks of pe...lazy tats y n leg oso chalat! haha! well...leg paining so guess ill go get sum rest lorhhs...rite..post sumthin interesting next time...byezz! luv yazzzz